PSO Visual Arts Spotlight
The Visual Arts Spotlight program is intended to help local artists get their work in front of a new arts-appreciative audience, while adding another exciting element to the experience of attending a PSO concert.
How it works:
Artists living and working within Peterborough and surrounding area can apply to be the featured artist at one of our concerts. One artist whose work (either certain works, or the body of work as a whole) relates in some way to the theme of or music performed in the concert will be chosen for each of the five concerts in our season. The featured artist will:
Have the opportunity to exhibit and sell their work at our post-concert reception
Receive a full-colour full-page placement in our house program, featuring a short biography and contact information for the artist as well as 1-2 images of selected works
Be featured in a post on the PSO’s social media accounts in advance of the concert
Receive two complimentary tickets to the concert
Exhibition of work at the post-concert reception will be a temporary exhibit on easels or tables and can include 4-8 works which will be displayed around the outside of the room. As the artist, you are responsible for providing appropriate display equipment (e.g. easels, lighting) and setting up the display of your work on the day of the concert (open for setup starting at 1:30 pm; concert starts at 7:30pm). Proposed setup will be discussed in advance. You may also have one table for information, promotional material or sales, including sales of prints or other materials related to the artwork.
Any artistic medium type which is suitable for display is eligible.
You must provide a short biography (max 150 words) and good quality high-resolution photograph or digital image of your work to be featured in our program at least 3 weeks before the concert. You may also optionally include a photo of yourself with your biography. The PSO reserves the right to edit the biography for appropriate fit with our program style and standards, but we will endeavour to work with you to ensure everyone is satisfied with the final result. Your biography can include contact information, website and social media links.
Selected artists must sign a media waiver allowing the PSO to use images of the art and artist in print and online materials promoting the program.
Artist selection:
Artists will be selected by a small jury of 3-4 volunteers based on:
Artistic quality
Relevance to music and concert theme
Professional artistic presence
Relevance to the community
Overall impression of the body of work
There is no cost to apply or participate as a featured artist. The PSO will not take any commission from any sales made at the reception. Artist participation is voluntary and unpaid other than through any potential sales.
How to apply:
Interested in applying? Please send an email to info@thepso.org which answers the following questions:
Which concert would you like to be featured at? (See www.thepso.org for concert information and dates)
Briefly, how does your artwork (either your body of work, or a particular piece to be featured) relate to the music or theme of that concert? (see below for some possible themes to consider.)
Provide your website or social media information.
If not shown on your website or social media, provide examples of your work (e.g. photographs of at least 4 recent artworks).
Provide a brief description of your artistic style and goals and how your work connects to the community.
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until artists have been chosen for each concert.