PSO in the Community
Instrument Petting Zoo on March 15th 2025 at the Friends of the Library Community Room
As a part of the library’s spring break programming, members of the Peterborough Symphony Orchestra are taking their instruments to the library! Each instrument family will be there – woodwinds, brass, percussion, and strings. Drop in to this family-friendly event for a chance to meet the musicians and “pet” some instruments yourself. For curious minds of all ages!!
Link to Peterborough Public Library Event
345 Aylmer Street North, Peterborough
Intermediate Band Day on April 25th 2025
Over 200 intermediate band students from 10 local schools will come together on April 25th to learn more about musical performance as part of the PSO’s education outreach. The morning sessions will focus on learning more about performing with their instruments, taught by members of the Peterborough Symphony Orchestra and the Don Wright School of Music at the University of Western Ontario. The afternoon will focus on a mass band rehearsal with PSO Music Director Michael Newnham, culminating in a concert for the students of Lakefield District Public School. Each school band will perform 2 or 3 pieces under the leadership of their individual music teacher before entertaining the audience with a performance by the entire group directed by Maestro Newnham.
Many thanks to all of the volunteers and the students and staff of Lakefield District Public School. A special thanks to Lisa Quackenbush, music teacher at Lakefield, clarinetist with the PSO, and member of the PSO Board of Directors.
At the PSO, we are always looking for ways to give back to the community that helps to support us. With a devoted audience and talented personnel and volunteers, the PSO has the capacity to create connections, support health and well-being, educate, and support arts and culture in Peterborough and beyond. Come back to this page regularly to see how PSO is engaging with the community in Peterborough and area.
Peterborough Symphony Orchestra Visual Arts Spotlight
The Visual Arts Spotlight program is intended to help local artists get their work in front of a new arts-appreciative audience, while adding another exciting element to the experience of attending a PSO concert.
Artists living and working within Peterborough and surrounding area can apply to be the featured artist at one of our concerts. One artist whose work (either certain works, or the body of work as a whole) relates in some way to the theme of or music performed in the concert will be chosen for each of the five concerts in our 2023-24 season. Learn More
PSO Musician performance on June 27th 2024 at 7PM, Trent University’s Catharine Parr Traill Campus
Join PSO Concertmaster Jennifer Burford, Principal Flutist, Jaye Marsh and special guest, harpist Zane Mallet at a free concert at the Jalynn Bennett Amphitheatre at Traill College. The PSO is delighted to participate in the inaugural season of this much anticipated new venue in Peterborough. The Jalynn Bennett Amphitheatre provides tiered seating for 140 people nestled amid the designated heritage buildings of Traill College. Bring a chair or blanket and join us for an evening of music.
PSO String Quartet on Sunday March 10th 2024 at 2PM, Mapleridge Recreation Centre
As part of the PSO’s community outreach program, the PSO String Quartet with Music Director Michael Newnham as MC, will be performing at Mapleridge Recreation Centre. The String Quartet consists of Jennifer Burford (violin), Nora Pellerin (violin), Elizabeth Norris (viola) and Zuzanna Chomicka-Newnham (cello).
Stories and Music with the PSO Chamber Players on Sunday February 25th 2024 at 2PM, Lakefield District Public School Gym
The Peterborough Symphony’s woodwind quintet will make their first community outreach venture since before COVID. Audience members will enjoy the sounds of a classical “woodwind quintet” comprising flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and horn – representing all the wind sections of a classical symphony. The program for the afternoon will be special works for quintet and narrator, marrying story with music in a unique blend. This even features the Peterborough Symphony’s principal players: Jaye Marsh (flute), Scott Wight (clarinet), Jane McKay (horn), Tori Owen (oboe) and a return by former member, Anne Olscher on bassoon. The narrator will be PSO clarinetist, Lisa Quackenbush who is also conducting the Lakefield school band as an “opening act”. Special guest composer, Karen Locklin, will join the quintet on stage as a narrator in a work she composed for them, “The Imperial Blue Butterfly”.